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“Live Not by Lies”: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Intelligent Design

The Darwinist trope that criticism of Darwinist theory is “anti-science” is the prologue to the woke mob’s trope that free speech is a kind of “violence.” It’s the same segue — the Darwinist/cancel culture mob’s response to reasoned discourse is “Nice career you’ve got there — shame if something happened to it.”

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New “Long Story” on Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance — Premiere and Live Chat

It’s true that antibiotics do stop working sometimes, AND antibiotic resistance is a form of evolution. But is this a demonstration of the creative power of Darwinian evolution, or is there something else going on?

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Nature Article Admits Unanswered Origin-of-Life Questions, Exposing Broken Promises of ID Critics

“Again, we see a catch-22: at best you can either produce the chemicals you need for life or you can have access to chemical energy needed to drive biochemical reactions. But you can’t have both.”

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“Simulation Hypothesis” and Star Trek — Intelligent Design by Another Name

The “simulation hypothesis” is getting a lot of attention these days in the mainstream media. What’s the simulation hypothesis? According to a recent explanation by theoretical physicist Sabine Hossfelder, it holds that the universe is much like the Matrix, “coded by an intelligent being.”

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An Antidote to Despair

I am a biologist, a worker in a field with a sorrowful history of categorizing human beings by race, arranging them in a false hierarchy to dismiss some as less human than others. That history seems very of the moment now, as anguish about interracial friendship and understanding has emerged as the dominant note in our culture.

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Video  Videos

Scientists Speak Out About Evidence of Intelligent Design in Nature
Scientists from around the world speak out about the convincing evidence of purpose and intelligent design they see in nature.
Whale Evolution: Good Evidence for Darwin?
Long Story Short Episode 2
Does Science Point To God?
Stephen Meyer at the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith 2020

IDTF  ID the Future
  CSC Podcast

Jonathan Wells Talks Scientific Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions
February 10, 2021
New ID Book Puts “Self-Replicating Molecules” Under the Microscope
June 10, 2020
Edward Feser on Aristotle’s Revenge: Purpose and Essence in Nature
July 15, 2019
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